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Korat Cat Breed: When Thailand's Lucky Charm Meows Its Way into Your Heart

"If a cat could win the lottery, it'd probably be a Korat. Hailing from the heart of Thailand, these silver-blue beauties aren't just a treat for the eyes; they're said to bring good fortune too!“


Anna Clark

Cat expert

Korat cat breed

Photo © Cats Unleashed

With their luminous green eyes, sleek silver-blue coats, and regal aura, Korat cats are the embodiment of elegance and mystique. Hailing from the heart of Thailand, the Korat stands as a symbol of both age-old tradition and unmatched feline beauty.

A Glimpse into History: Thailand's Treasured Feline

The Korat, named after its province of origin in Thailand, is one of the oldest and purest cat breeds. Revered in its homeland, it's often presented as a gift to bring prosperity and good luck.

A Distinct Appearance: The Silver Sheen

Draped in a mesmerizing silver-blue coat, the Korat is often likened to a rainy cloud. This short, fine coat gleams, highlighting the breed's heart-shaped face and large, luminous green eyes.

  • Tail: The Korat's tail tapers to a rounded tip and acts as a charming balance to its athletic body. Often described as "medium“ in length, it's sleek, just like the rest of their physique.
  • Coat: With a heart-stopping silver-blue hue, the Korat's coat is short, fine, and lies close to the body. This coat shimmers with each graceful move they make, echoing the radiant aura of their Thai homeland.
  • Build: Korats possess a semi-cobby and muscular build, characterized by a broad chest and a smooth, subtle curve from the ribs to the stomach. This gives them a perfect blend of elegance and athleticism.
  • Eyes: Perhaps one of their most captivating features, Korat eyes are large and expressive, typically ranging from peridot green to brilliant emerald.
  • Ears: These cats sport large, high-set ears that stand alert. They are broad at the base, giving them a vigilant appearance - like they're perpetually tuned into a mysterious feline frequency.

Korat cat

Photo © Cats Unleashed

The Affectionate and Playful Purr-sonality

Behind that regal appearance is a playful and affectionate soul. Korats are incredibly loyal, forming strong bonds with their families. They're also known to be chatterboxes, happily voicing their opinions.

Health and Lifespan

Korats are generally hearty cats, with a lifespan of 12-15 years. While they don't have significant genetic issues, a regular health check-up is always beneficial to ensure they're at their best.

The Minimal Grooming Needs

Thanks to their short, single-layer coat, Korats are low-maintenance in the grooming department. A gentle brush once a week is enough to keep them looking pristine.

Fun Fact: A Symbol of Love

In Thailand, Korats are often gifted to newlyweds as a symbol of love and a blessing for a prosperous marriage. Talk about a wedding gift that purrs!

Korats and Companionship

While they cherish human companionship, Korats can be selective about their feline friends. They prefer the company of their kind but can adjust to other pets with a proper introduction.

Intelligent and Agile

Don't be fooled by their poised demeanor. Korats are smart and agile. They love interactive toys and can often be seen performing acrobatics around the house.


Whether you're drawn to the Korat for its captivating looks, its history, or the promise of good fortune, one thing's for sure: life with this Thai gem is never dull!

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